Monday, January 30, 2012

JSS-Tripler : Stages of Grief And the RESTART Hit?

Taking a Hit From the Restart 
It has been 23 days since the Re-Start at JBP/JSS-Tripler. It has been a shock getting use to it, but now I am finally moving on. On January 6, 2012 I went to sleep with 113 positions, expecting to earn $22.60 as my daily payment.

Unfortunately, I woke up with 69 positions and $13.60 in my account. My daily income had dropped by 40%. As I stated before,  I was shocked. Over the next 2 weeks I went through the 5 stages of grief over the loss of my Jss-Tripler positions (Denial, Depression, Bargaining, Anger, and finally Acceptance).

45 of the positions had been taken away and exchanged for 19 Jss positions. In stead of earning daily income, I was given a future promise of 60 dollars for each JSS position that "cycled".

I could not believe it. I went to the conference filled to capacity because many members in JBP were caught off guard by the restart also. I did not want to believe that my income went down when It had consistently increased since I had started.

The restart hurt. I was starting to count on that money to pay off some bill for the month. Now I would not make some of my financial obligations and was stressed. At that point I did not purchase anything else. I was also scared that the program might fold like other HYIP's I had been in.

My feeling of being hurt and scared quickly turned to Anger. I wanted my money back. I start looking in the conference room for answers. Many people where also angry and making harsh comments as moderators in room took on a continuous barrage of coments. I went to a Facebook page to see what other members were saying. Many were calling it a SCAM. Other comments are too ugly to mention.

I looked at Frequently asked questions, which said that restarts took place every 6 to 12 months. Only 4 months had passed, so clearly this could not be right. The response of many people I saw was how "This is not F%$King Fair!" or how "This ain't right." All the bargaining in the world was not going to change the fact that a restart had occurred.

In fact, all the previous stages of Grief did nothing to help the situation get better. I was on a conference call with Frederick Mann the owner and creator of the program. He recommended that we overcome our fears, and "Upgrade our Brains."

I took his advice to heart. I asked myself "What do I need to do to correct the situation?" The answer was learn how to sponsor, learn about the new JSS positions I was to obtain from the restart, and gather information from people who had gone through the first restart.

Since that time I have gone from 22 referrals to 73, I found that I would have to buy "Placements and Premiums" for my positions to get paid in 14 to 30 days, and , that people had the same experience in the 1st restart.

As of today, I still have not been paid for any of my Jss positions, but I have been told that they will cycle and pay out within the next month. I took the daily earnings I had been saving a purchased additional Jss-Tripler positions.

The great thing about this is that the program is still here, and that it has paid everyday. Additionally, my daily income level has also been recovered. I'm taking the time to write this post because there will be more restarts in the future, and it may help someone deal with the situation in the future.

That's all for now, have a great day. Let's Eradicate poverty and Build Wealth Through Financial Education.Please Leave any Comments or Questions Below.

Day 67 JSS-Tripler Review: Quick Check In

Click to Enlarge.
Yesterday, I purchased 440 dollars worth of JSS-Tripler positions. This gave me a total of 44 new positions. Before purchasing the new positions, I was earning $14 dollars in daily income. Tomorrow my daily income will rise to $22.80 dollars with the 114 JSS-Tripler positions I have acquired.

Tomorrow I will have earned a little over $900.00 dollars to close out January 2012. If this continues, I will have made my 1st 1000 dollars online within the next week. MAN THAT EXCITING!!!!

This program puts money in your pocket everyday. While sponsoring or referring are not required, I have even found that to be easy with this program. I have 74 referrals that opted-in to JBP. 24 of the 74 signed up for JSS-Tripler. And 17 out of the 24 are making money. The people who did not make money, did not follow the simple steps to get the money.

If you would like to get started. Simply 
Opt-in and follow the 10 steps found in the guide located in the right column.

If you have any comments or questions please leave them in the comment box.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 64 JSS-Tripler Review

Would You Like To Learn How To Make Money Online, Without Having to Recruit, Sponsor, or Refer Anyone?

Well Now You Can.
To Join for Free Click the Picture to the Right. 
To Learn More, View the Information  below.

My name is Demond Johnson. Today I want to show you how you can start earning 2% a day or 60% a month on Your money with Just Been Paid/JSS-Tripler. Furthermore, You will get a free 10$ position when you sign up through the new Pay It Forward Program. This will allow you to get paid daily while you evaluate the program. 

64 days ago I joined JSS-Tripler for free. I read the information on the site,and, decided to test it out. If you look at the chart to the right, you can see my results  since the start of the New Year. . 

In 64 days, the JSS-Tripler program has allowed me to earn $829.20 dollars and build a passive income of $14.00 Dollars a day outside of Sponsoring or Referring anyone.

While No Sponsoring is required, I choose to tell others about this program for 2 reasons: (1) It is the easiest way to make money online that I have seen, And (2) Those who Sponsor, Earn Higher Incomes.

To Learn More, Join for Free to Get Your free 10$ position that will pay you 2% a day while evaluate the program. To start making money online in the next 24 hours, Follow the 10 steps in the guide below. If you follow the steps then you will start earning online in the next 24 hours. If you don't follow the steps then you will not earn from the program.

Thank You for taking the time to view this site. I hope you have a great Day and allow the program to pay you money. Let's Eradicate poverty and Build Wealth, Through Financial Education.

Demond Johnson 

PS.--> If  You Have Any Questions or Comments Please Leave them in the Comment Box Below.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 60 JSS-Tripler Review: $773.60 dollars Later

I have started making money in a program called Just Been Paid/JSS-Tripler. It is my 60th day in the program. I have made 773.60 since I started back on Thanksgiving Day of last year. Below are charts that I made showing the progress made since I started.


In addition to making money, I have also started to successfully sponsor others who have gone on to sponsor people themselves. The people who have been sponsored have also made money. I have made 40 dollars from my referrals and 11 dollars from my referral’s referrals.

I have also run 4 successful campaigns. I have a total of 45 sign-ups in the last 60 days. Unfortunately, only 12 of them did what was required to get paid. I am hoping the guide I created will help the people who sign up correctly and get paid.

This is what I was wishing and hoping for when I started this blog. Everything I have tried has "failed" or been a challenge until this point. I am making money, instead of having some distant goal of earning money in the future.

 I am only at 414 a month for now. That is 41% of my original goal of earning at least 1000 dollars a month. Earning my first 1000 dollars will be a major milestone. It appears as if that will be accomplished by mid February.

 If I can continue the success I have been achieving in the last 60 days, I will meet my goal of 1000 dollars a month this year.

Well that's all for now. Have a great day. Let's Eradicate poverty and Build Wealth, Through Financial Education.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 57 JSS-Tripler Review:

Would You Like To Learn How To Make Money Online, Without Having to Recruit, Sponsor, or Refer Anyone?

Well Now You Can.
To Join for Free Click the Picture to the Right. 
To Learn More, View the Information  below.

My name is Demond Johnson. Today I want to show you how you can start earning 2% a day or 60% a month on Your money with Just Been Paid/JSS-Tripler. Furthermore, You will get a free 10$ position when you sign up through the new Pay It Forward Program. This will allow you to get paid daily while you evaluate the program. 

57 days ago I joined JSS-Tripler for free. I read the information on the site,and, decided to test it out. If you look at the chart to the right, you can see my results since the start of the New Year. 
In that time period, the JSS-Tripler program has allowed me to earn $732.20 dollars and build a passive income of $13.80 a day.

To Learn More, Join for Free to Get Your free 10$ position that will pay you 2% a day while evaluate the program. This can be done in 10 Quick and Easy Steps. Simply follow the steps found in the short report to the right to start making money online in the next 24 hours.

Thank You for taking the time to view this site. I hope you have a great Day. Let's Eradicate poverty and Build Wealth, Through Financial Education.

Demond Johnson 

P.S. -- If you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment box below.