Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1 Year with People String

I started People String 1 year and 2 days ago. I signed up because it was free and they pay you part of the ad revenue. Below is a picture of my earnings from the beginning of July to today. I have earned $1.95 this month.

My last payout was in May when I crossed the payout threshold of $25. I have earned $32.11 dollar in lifetime earnings so far. I have $6.74 as my current earnings. Overall I average about $2.67 per month just by clicking on adds, doing Google Searches, Shopping online, and playing games. I have never actively recruited for this company because I wan not sure if it would be worth it. But if you are consistent the pennies start to add up. If I can effectively build a team, the numbers could start to grow over time. For the rest of this year I would like to see if I can recruit to the free programs I am doing, and eventually build an investment team.  Time will tell how this works out.